The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Julie Downard's Dharma Talks at Southern Insight Meditation
Julie Downard
Julie has been practising meditation since 1991 when she was living in England. She has practised intensively with teachers in both the Insight and Zen traditions in India, England, California, Australia, France and New Zealand. Julie has been teaching on retreats and Dharma Gatherings since 2007. She lives in Christchurch, and is a co-founder and trustee of Southern Insight Meditation.
2022-06-11 20 talk: Taking the Practice Home 25:37
Transitioning out of retreat and into daily life practice, some ways to continue deepening the practice at home
Southern Insight Meditation (Staveley Camp) Rest, renewal, resilience, release
2022-06-10 17 instructions: choiceless awareness 46:44
Instructions and guided meditation exploring choiceless awareness
Southern Insight Meditation (Staveley Camp) Rest, renewal, resilience, release
2022-06-09 15 meditation: self-soothing compassion 15:52
Using physical touch to self-soothe and support self-compassion
Southern Insight Meditation (Staveley Camp) Rest, renewal, resilience, release
2022-06-08 13 talk: Equanimity 44:07
Southern Insight Meditation (Staveley Camp) Rest, renewal, resilience, release
2022-06-07 08 instructions and meditation: mettā 42:22
Cultivating loving-kindness using a range of different methods, including reciting phrases and radiating energy
Southern Insight Meditation (Staveley Camp) Rest, renewal, resilience, release
2022-06-07 07 instructions and guided meditation: hearing 53:03
Opening up the field of awareness to include the experience of hearing
Southern Insight Meditation (Staveley Camp) Rest, renewal, resilience, release
2022-06-06 06 talk: the Five Hindrances 51:48
Exploring the five hindrances that get in the way of clear seeing
Southern Insight Meditation (Staveley Camp) Rest, renewal, resilience, release
2022-06-05 01 instructions and guided meditation: mindfulness of the body and breathing, then walking meditation 59:50
A brief introduction to the Four Foundations of Mindfulness, focusing on mindfulness of the body and mindfulness of breathing followed by a guided meditation then walking instructions
Southern Insight Meditation (Staveley Camp) Rest, renewal, resilience, release
2021-01-26 20 talk: stillness, silence, spaciousness 54:20
Southern Insight Meditation (Staveley Camp) Southern Insight Summer Retreat: Finding the Heart of Wisdom

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