The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks given at Southern Insight Meditation
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2024-07-21 14 meditation: Equanimity 25:49
Jill Shepherd
Southern Insight Meditation Rest, resilience, renewal, release:

2024-07-21 13 short talk: Equanimity 14:03
Jill Shepherd
Southern Insight Meditation Rest, resilience, renewal, release:

2024-07-21 12 meditation: appreciating one's own strengths 24:48
Jill Shepherd
Southern Insight Meditation Rest, resilience, renewal, release:

2024-07-21 11 instructions: Muditā for oneself 13:20
Jill Shepherd
Southern Insight Meditation Rest, resilience, renewal, release:

2024-07-21 10 meditation: Muditā using the radiating energy method of practice 20:45
Jill Shepherd
Southern Insight Meditation Rest, resilience, renewal, release:

2024-07-21 09 talk: Muditā or appreciative joy 13:50
Jill Shepherd
A short introduction to cultivating muditā, gladness or appreciative joy, using the radiating-energy method of practice
Southern Insight Meditation Rest, resilience, renewal, release:

2024-07-21 08 meditation: Settling and stilling the body and mind 20:08
Jill Shepherd
Southern Insight Meditation Rest, resilience, renewal, release:

2024-07-20 06 meditation: Compassion for a good friend 21:47
Jill Shepherd
Southern Insight Meditation Rest, resilience, renewal, release:

2024-07-20 05 short talk: Compassion 12:27
Jill Shepherd
Southern Insight Meditation Rest, resilience, renewal, release:

2024-07-20 04 meditation: Resting into mettā / kindness 19:43
Jill Shepherd
Southern Insight Meditation Rest, resilience, renewal, release:

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