The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Jill Shepherd's Dharma Talks at Southern Insight Meditation
Jill Shepherd
Wisdom and compassion are two themes that inform my current exploration of the dharma, and I aspire to integrate these as fully as I can in both formal practice and daily life.
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2024-07-21 14 meditation: Equanimity 25:49
Southern Insight Meditation Rest, resilience, renewal, release:
2024-07-21 13 short talk: Equanimity 14:03
Southern Insight Meditation Rest, resilience, renewal, release:
2024-07-21 12 meditation: appreciating one's own strengths 24:48
Southern Insight Meditation Rest, resilience, renewal, release:
2024-07-21 11 instructions: Muditā for oneself 13:20
Southern Insight Meditation Rest, resilience, renewal, release:
2024-07-21 10 meditation: Muditā using the radiating energy method of practice 20:45
Southern Insight Meditation Rest, resilience, renewal, release:
2024-07-21 09 talk: Muditā or appreciative joy 13:50
A short introduction to cultivating muditā, gladness or appreciative joy, using the radiating-energy method of practice
Southern Insight Meditation Rest, resilience, renewal, release:
2024-07-21 08 meditation: Settling and stilling the body and mind 20:08
Southern Insight Meditation Rest, resilience, renewal, release:
2024-07-20 06 meditation: Compassion for a good friend 21:47
Southern Insight Meditation Rest, resilience, renewal, release:
2024-07-20 05 short talk: Compassion 12:27
Southern Insight Meditation Rest, resilience, renewal, release:
2024-07-20 04 meditation: Resting into mettā / kindness 19:43
Southern Insight Meditation Rest, resilience, renewal, release:

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