The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Jill Shepherd's Dharma Talks at Southern Insight Meditation
Jill Shepherd
Wisdom and compassion are two themes that inform my current exploration of the dharma, and I aspire to integrate these as fully as I can in both formal practice and daily life.
2024-07-20 03 talk: Exploring mettā as rest 19:00
Southern Insight Meditation Rest, resilience, renewal, release:
2024-07-20 02 meditation: mettā for benefactor 24:53
Southern Insight Meditation Rest, resilience, renewal, release:
2024-07-20 01 talk: An overview of the four brahmavihāra heart qualities 22:36
Exploring how kindness, compassion, appreciative joy and equanimity work together to keep the heart in balance
Southern Insight Meditation Rest, resilience, renewal, release:
2024-07-17 short talk: an overview of brahmavihāra practice 14:00
Southern Insight Meditation
2024-07-17 Meditation: resting into mettā / kindness 29:40
Southern Insight Meditation
2022-06-10 19 meditation: equanimity 29:57
Practising with choiceless attention, simply opening to whatever experiences arise moment to moment and orienting to the stable, steady awareness that knows it all (including the strong winds swirling around the meditation hall)
Southern Insight Meditation (Staveley Camp) Rest, renewal, resilience, release
2022-06-10 18 instructions: equanimity 9:07
Brief instructions for bringing equanimity to endings, including the ending of this retreat
Southern Insight Meditation (Staveley Camp) Rest, renewal, resilience, release
2022-06-09 16 talk: Seven Factors of Awakening 44:51
Exploring the seven factors of awakening factors, including some common misunderstandings about awakening and some ways to support the awakening factors to arise
Southern Insight Meditation (Staveley Camp) Rest, renewal, resilience, release
2022-06-09 14 meditation: spaciousness 30:07
Tuning in to space as a support for experiencing spaciousness in the mind
Southern Insight Meditation (Staveley Camp) Rest, renewal, resilience, release
2022-06-08 12 instructions: mindfulness of mind-states 13:15
Brief instructions for exploring mental qualities in relational practice
Southern Insight Meditation (Staveley Camp) Rest, renewal, resilience, release

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