The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks given at Southern Insight Meditation
2022-06-09 15 meditation: self-soothing compassion 15:52
Julie Downard
Using physical touch to self-soothe and support self-compassion
Southern Insight Meditation (Staveley Camp) Rest, renewal, resilience, release

2022-06-09 14 meditation: spaciousness 30:07
Jill Shepherd
Tuning in to space as a support for experiencing spaciousness in the mind
Southern Insight Meditation (Staveley Camp) Rest, renewal, resilience, release

2022-06-08 13 talk: Equanimity 44:07
Julie Downard
Southern Insight Meditation (Staveley Camp) Rest, renewal, resilience, release

2022-06-08 12 instructions: mindfulness of mind-states 13:15
Jill Shepherd
Brief instructions for exploring mental qualities in relational practice
Southern Insight Meditation (Staveley Camp) Rest, renewal, resilience, release

2022-06-08 11 meditation: mindfulness of mind 30:13
Jill Shepherd
Beginning by establishing mindfulness of the body and breathing, then opening to sounds and the experience of thinking
Southern Insight Meditation (Staveley Camp) Rest, renewal, resilience, release

2022-06-08 10 instructions: mindfulness of mind 11:20
Jill Shepherd
Introduction to the Third Establishment of Mindfulness, mindfulness of mind
Southern Insight Meditation (Staveley Camp) Rest, renewal, resilience, release

2022-06-07 09 talk: Compassion 49:53
Jill Shepherd
Exploring compassion as support for relating skilfully to dukkha: pain, stress, distress, suffering
Southern Insight Meditation (Staveley Camp) Rest, renewal, resilience, release

2022-06-07 08 instructions and meditation: mettā 42:22
Julie Downard
Cultivating loving-kindness using a range of different methods, including reciting phrases and radiating energy
Southern Insight Meditation (Staveley Camp) Rest, renewal, resilience, release

2022-06-07 07 instructions and guided meditation: hearing 53:03
Julie Downard
Opening up the field of awareness to include the experience of hearing
Southern Insight Meditation (Staveley Camp) Rest, renewal, resilience, release

2022-06-06 06 talk: the Five Hindrances 51:48
Julie Downard
Exploring the five hindrances that get in the way of clear seeing
Southern Insight Meditation (Staveley Camp) Rest, renewal, resilience, release

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