The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks given at Southern Insight Meditation
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2022-06-06 05 instructions: feeling tone or vedanā 18:18
Jill Shepherd
Exploring how feeling-tone conditions reactivity when there's no mindfulness, and how mindfulness gives us a choice about how we respond
Southern Insight Meditation (Staveley Camp) Rest, renewal, resilience, release

2022-06-06 04 meditation: mindfulness of breathing 29:49
Jill Shepherd
Bringing a relaxed approach to practising mindfulness of breathing, noticing the subtle energising quality of the in-breath and the relaxing aspect of the out-breath
Southern Insight Meditation (Staveley Camp) Rest, renewal, resilience, release

2022-06-06 03 instructions: mindfulness of breathing to strengthen sati and samādhi 19:29
Jill Shepherd
Exploring mindfulness of breathing with a relaxed and receptive approach, to help strengthen sati / mindfulness and samādhi / stability of mind
Southern Insight Meditation (Staveley Camp) Rest, renewal, resilience, release

2022-06-05 02 talk: inner and outer supports for being on retreat 47:02
Jill Shepherd
Exploring different aspects of the "retreat container" that support the deepening of our meditation practice: the schedule, sangha, safety, silence, solitude, slowing down and stillness
Southern Insight Meditation (Staveley Camp) Rest, renewal, resilience, release

2022-06-05 01 instructions and guided meditation: mindfulness of the body and breathing, then walking meditation 59:50
Julie Downard
A brief introduction to the Four Foundations of Mindfulness, focusing on mindfulness of the body and mindfulness of breathing followed by a guided meditation then walking instructions
Southern Insight Meditation (Staveley Camp) Rest, renewal, resilience, release

2021-01-28 28 talk: Working with afflictive mind-states, including comparing mind 40:29
Jill Shepherd
Southern Insight Meditation (Staveley Camp) Southern Insight Summer Retreat: Finding the Heart of Wisdom

2021-01-27 24 talk: an overview of the four brahmavihara heart qualities 47:49
Jill Shepherd
How kindness, compassion, appreciative joy and equanimity reinforce and strengthen each other as a support for deepening insight
Southern Insight Meditation (Staveley Camp) Southern Insight Summer Retreat: Finding the Heart of Wisdom

2021-01-26 20 talk: stillness, silence, spaciousness 54:20
Julie Downard
Southern Insight Meditation (Staveley Camp) Southern Insight Summer Retreat: Finding the Heart of Wisdom

2021-01-25 15 talk: Wise Effort and the middle way 36:48
Jill Shepherd
Looking at Wise Effort and common ways our effort gets unbalanced; includes a brief overview of the five hindrances that get in the way of insight
Southern Insight Meditation (Staveley Camp) Southern Insight Summer Retreat: Finding the Heart of Wisdom

2021-01-24 10 talk: frameworks for understanding - an overview of the Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eightfold Path 47:28
Jill Shepherd
An overview of some of the key teachings of the Buddha, as a framework for "finding the heart of wisdom"
Southern Insight Meditation (Staveley Camp) Southern Insight Summer Retreat: Finding the Heart of Wisdom

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